How To Draw More

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If you’re anything like me then maybe you don’t always give enough time to the things you know you love doing. I do it all the time and don’t always realise I’m doing it until months have passed of my art supplies have been left collecting dust in the corner.

I recently decided to turn this around because I wanted to draw more, and now I’ve developed a habit of drawing every weekday and I love it.

Illustration flatlay

Here are my simple tips to draw more often this year:

Join a challenge

Art challenges are such a great way to draw more often and there are so many out there to choose from. I did Inktober last year and more recently started my own challenge of drawing every weekday no matter what. If you’re on Instagram try challenges like ‘draw this in your style’, ‘mermay’ or daily drawing.

The great thing is that most challenges include prompts so that everyone is drawing the same subject, which means that you don’t have to spend so much time thinking of something to draw, and you also get to see the diversity in ideas amongst the art community. Try and be inspired by other artists who are engaging in the same challenges rather than competing with them.

Share what you create

If you’ve joined an art challenge on social media, then why not share what you’re drawing with fellow artists. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have, if you can find a nice little community of other artists who you want to support and who can support you back you’ll feel more engaged with what you draw. 

I always post my drawings on Instagram because it helps to keep me accountable and even if I don’t love what I’ve made I can take the opportunity to ask for feedback. I try not to view my account as a portfolio to share my best pieces but more of a place to connect with other artists and collaborate.


Take a class

I really love doing online classes that aren’t about the technical skills of drawing accurately, but rather about creativity and exploring with art on paper. I recently tried this creativity class on Creativebug and it really loosened me up and reminded me to try new things.

If you’re in a position where you can go to an art class in person then give it a go! It’s a nice way to meet people with similar interests and help foster a positive relationship with creativity.

Make a habit of it

Once you decide that drawing is a priority it becomes much easier to make a habit of it. It doesn’t have to be every day, but make time in your routine to be creative.

If you’re someone who likes to watch TV, maybe bring your sketchbook with you to the couch and doodle while you watch. If you’re trying to cut down on screen time before bed, swap out your phone for some drawing time. Find some time in your day or week that you’re filling with distractions and use a bit of it to draw instead.


Enjoy it

I love having a routine around my drawing that makes it something to look forward to even if I don’t feel creative. I like to make a cup of tea, put on some music or a podcast, spend some time daydreaming and then I feel like I’m ready to draw. 

Make sure you draw things that you enjoy, not what you think you should draw because everyone else is doing it. There’s no right or wrong style, so just do what makes you feel good.

If you have some tips of your own that you use to draw more, then get in touch with me on Instagram because I’d love to hear them!

How to Draw More PINTEREST

Follow me on Instagram for drawings Monday through Friday

Mimi Purnell

Hello, I’m Mimi, and I’m a digital illustrator helping other creatives follow their dreams of becoming an artist.


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